Category: Emory

  • What I Really Learned in College

       So, they handed me my degree last Monday. Feels good! Feels weird…. Feels exciting. College, on the whole, was an amazing 4 years for me. Studying history, economics, politics – I learned a lot from some inspiring professors. But most importantly, I learned a lot from the examples set by those inspiring professors, and…

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  • Be Well in 2012

    Hey everybody, So, I’ve been absent from the blog too much lately. It’s now my last semester of college, and everything seems hectic around here. There’s lots of fun times and memories at Emory wrapping up, but also lots of exciting things to look forward to after graduation. I’m not sure yet what the post-graduation…

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  • Two More Weeks

    It’s crunch time: two weeks packed with papers, presentations, reports, and finals! This is the home stretch, or live-in-the-library time.

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  • Margaret Atwood at Emory

      Margaret Atwood, author of great books like The Handmaid’s Tale and (personal fave) The Penelopiad, came to speak at Emory as part of our Ellmann Lectures series. She was a great speaker with a sharp wit and good insights. She cracked a lot of jokes, shared stories of her childhood growing up in Canada,…

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  • The Big Draw, Emory Edition

      Emory participated in the international Big Draw as part of one of our Wonderful Wednesdays – there was impromptu art happening all over campus! ‘Scuse these photos… I only had my phone camera on me, again! (I’ll hopefully definitely get better about charging my camera battery.) Reams of paper were even stretched over the ground…

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  • Sustainable Food Fair

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  • Surrealism + College Night

    Last week was surreal. Or actually… last week was about things that are surreal — surrealism. Surrealism is all about juxtaposing the expected with the unexpected. Violating your understanding of conventions. We studied le surréalisme in French class – (like Apollinaire, Queneau, and some Baudelaire). And! Saturday, the High Museum of Art hosted college night. Emory…

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Kate J Hollingsworth