Category: Books

  • What I Read in May + June

    What I Read in May + June

    Here’s what I’ve read in May + June: All links below will take you to – a site that will help you order a book from either your local bookseller or via, where your purchase will help independent booksellers. Evicted by Matthew Desmond Desmond’s Pulitzer Prize winning nonfiction work follows the lives of several families in Milwaukee, Wisconsin…

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  • What I Read in March + April

    What I Read in March + April

    Here’s what I’ve read in March + April: All links below will take you to – a site that will help you order a book from either your local bookseller or via, where your purchase will help independent booksellers. Patterns of India by Christine Chitnis I mentioned in 10 Travel Books to Read in Quarantine that we’ve been reading and…

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  • 10 Travel Books to Read in Quarantine

    10 Travel Books to Read in Quarantine

    Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world. -Voltaire While we keep social isolating, I’m turning to movies, podcasts, and books for a little escapism without leaving home. Thought I’d put together 10 Travel Books to Read in Quarantine – a mix of some of…

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  • What I Read in January + February

    What I Read in January + February

    I love books. I love stories. I love to read and I love to talk about reading. But for the last few years I just didn’t have the time or the drive to read as much as I used to. Can you relate? I’d still read a book here or there, but my unread pile…

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  • A Lazy Day Off

    Today was a lazy day for me. I spent some time meandering around and exploring my neighborhood, plus hanging out at a nearby outdoor cafe. I couldn’t really read the Czech menu there, so I ordered randomly off the coffee section and got this espresso + ice cream + whipped cream drink. It was pretty…

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  • Our Town

    Our Town by Thornton Wilder might be my favorite play ever.  I read it for the first time in 10th grade English class, as a requirement. And maybe you’ve read it, too. Or seen Paul Newman in the PBS dvd. (I love Paul!) Our Town follows the lives (and deaths) of characters in the small…

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  • Margaret Atwood at Emory

      Margaret Atwood, author of great books like The Handmaid’s Tale and (personal fave) The Penelopiad, came to speak at Emory as part of our Ellmann Lectures series. She was a great speaker with a sharp wit and good insights. She cracked a lot of jokes, shared stories of her childhood growing up in Canada,…

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  • German Poetry, Anyone?

    I like poetry. I’ve heard that German poetry is really good. That there’s something about a cacophonous language with a bit of word order freedom that makes for unique verse. That’s what people tell me anyway. Knowing about zero German, I read the words in translation. I love that translations of so many things are…

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Kate J Hollingsworth