Tag: study abroad

  • Hiking along the Italian Coast

    I shared a few photos from our hike through Cinque Terre, Italy here. The seaside, the views – it’s lovely. : ) We started out early in the day by grabbing some fruit at one of the small streetside markets…. Our hike wound along the coast of the Mediterranean through 5 towns, some vineyards, and…

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  • One Tuesday at Cinque Terre, Italy

    In April, I got to spend my spring break – 11 days – in Italy. The trip was rich with history, culture, and especially food. : ) We spent most of our time in Rome, but made this day trip out to Cinque Terre for some beautiful hiking along the Italian coast. This hiking area…

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  • Danish Street Music

      I looove street music. Traveling around some of the big European cities, I’m always excited to see what sorts of music the street musicians play. Accordions in Italy, violins in Stockholm, and all the different kinds in Paris – they’re all so cool! But some of my fave street music is from Copenhagen, Denmark….  …

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  • Wrapping Things Up

    It’s getting late here in Freiburg. I’m catching the early train to Frankfurt in the morning, and flying from there back to the States. It’s been almost exactly four months since I first came to Europe, but the time has flown. Right now I’m feeling…. Sad to say goodbye to all the aaaamazing people I’ve…

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  • Model European Union

    It’s been finals week here in Freiburg, and I officially finished my last one today! It feels great to be done with all the exams, but my study abroad program still has one more big academic event…. The Model European Union Summit, 2011. This weekend, all the students on my program are suiting up and…

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  • Taking a Walk

    The weather is so nice this week in Freiburg! It’s inspiring me to take more walks. Although I usually hop on the tram in the mornings, I like to do the 30 minute walk back to my dorm after classes. I love the sights and smells of springtime Germany in the evening. : ) Here…

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  • On the Autobahn

       I’ve talked before about getting around Germany, where the train is definitely my go-to mode of transport. But sometimes I also get the chance to take buses on the autobahn, or German highway. The interesting thing about the autobahn in the area where I live: no official, federal speed limit! Generally, the advice is…

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  • Guest Post: Lucky Enough Blog in Ireland

    You’re in for a treat! Here’s a special guest post from Lizzie over at Lucky Enough Blog. She’s studying in Galway, Ireland and today’s she sharing how Ireland has lived up to her expectations….    as soon as i told friends and family that i was going to study abroad, i received the exact same feedback…

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  • Spring Break: Viva Italia!

    Spring Break has officially started, and I’m excited to be spending it in Italy! I’m staying in Rome for 11 days, and making two day trips: Florence and Cinque Terre. It’s been crazy busy at school lately with projects and papers and presentations and research, and I am mega excited to relax and sightsee in…

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  • Springtime in Freiburg!

       It’s springtime in Freiburg! Along with the warmer weather and longer days, other small changes are taking place all around town. For example, more and more flowers are for sale each day at the open-air market…. Trees and flowers are blooming everywhere…. And even the ground beneath your feet is decorated by the spring…

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Kate J Hollingsworth