Hiking along the Italian Coast

I shared a few photos from our hike through Cinque Terre, Italy here. The seaside, the views – it’s lovely. : )


We started out early in the day by grabbing some fruit at one of the small streetside markets….

Our hike wound along the coast of the Mediterranean through 5 towns, some vineyards, and natural cliffs. In the middle of one orchard, we came across an Italian man selling fresh lemonade to hikers….


fresh lemonade.

For lunch, we stopped in the harbor of one of the towns with some grab-and-go pizza….


Throughout the hike, we overheard people talking in all different languages – Italian, English, German, French, and more. It was an interesting mélange of people from all different places – all come to enjoy the Italian coast….


Everyone we passed would say “excuse me” in a different language. Scusi, permesso, entschuldigung, pardon…


Cinque Terre is famous for its beautiful scenery and seaside hikes, but its mixture of different visitors makes for a really unique atmosphere, too. : )

5 responses to “Hiking along the Italian Coast”

  1. The pictures are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing. I have a question related to that pizza… 🙂 Friends that travel a lot told me that they ate the worst pizza in Italy… exactly the mother country of pizza. What’s your opinion on that? Compared to pizza at home, was the pizza you ate in Intaly better or worse?