Tag: study abroad

  • Life on Charlottenburgerstraße!

      Today is day 5 in Freiburg, and I’m starting to get settled in! I’ve got a German phone, a German cell phone number, and a mailbox in Germany with my name on it! : ) Here’s a picture of my dorm building on Charlottenburgerstraße: And a couple from inside the main living/kitchen area… I…

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  • Exploring Freiburg

      Our first assignment in Freiburg: get to know the city! We broke into four groups 14-ish people to explore the different areas in town. Here’s some of the highlights from today and my group’s walk! Freiburg is so pretty! I lose my sense of direction a lot  –  the streets paths and intersections are…

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  • Goodbye 2010, hellooo Germany!

    Today… It’s the last day of 2010! The beginning of 2011! Time to celebrate! 2010 was a great year…. hello, 2011! What are your plans for welcoming the new year? As for me, I’m packing today! Jan 11, I’m flying out to Freiburg, Germany where I’m going to be studying this semester! And as I start…

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  • Study Abroad 2009 in Retrospect

    As for myself, I got off that plane with expectations. Or… presumptions. “Greece” in my mind was a world of white – white marble, white houses, white togas.  But this real Greece, this true Greece of today? It is gritty.  The people, with genealogies old as the land itself, have that intrepid attitude, spirited and…

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Kate J Hollingsworth