Goodbye 2010, hellooo Germany!


It’s the last day of 2010! The beginning of 2011! Time to celebrate!

2010 was a great year…. hello, 2011! What are your plans for welcoming the new year?

As for me, I’m packing today! Jan 11, I’m flying out to Freiburg, Germany where I’m going to be studying this semester! And as I start to pack and organize everything for leaving, I’m feeling…




Mainly, I am really looking forward to all the ins and outs of another culture!

I know it’ll be a challenge, though. But I figure that’s just part of the authentic experience. Along with all the excitement and adventure, I’m expecting a few rough and tumble days — homesick, culture shock… but I think I’m up for it!

It’s gonna be great, yeah?

Auf Wiedersehen!


4 responses to “Goodbye 2010, hellooo Germany!”

  1. When I was over there for a semester abroad, two things helped my language acquisition a lot: listening to hourly newscasts on the radio (es ist eins uhr, hier bringen die Nachrichten … ) and movies. At first I watched things I’d seen in English (“Dirty Dancing” “The Big Easy.” Then branched out. The first time I ever saw “”The Graduate” was in German. You’ll have an awesome time.

  2. Got your web site from the Scroll. Very exciting to be living in in Europe for the semester.The Freiburg area is beautiful. Hope you have a great semester.