Category: Travel

  • A Lazy Day Off

    Today was a lazy day for me. I spent some time meandering around and exploring my neighborhood, plus hanging out at a nearby outdoor cafe. I couldn’t really read the Czech menu there, so I ordered randomly off the coffee section and got this espresso + ice cream + whipped cream drink. It was pretty…

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  • A Room with a View

    I’m finally unpacked and settled in my new Czech apartment. Here’s a few photos of the views out the windows…. The building I’m in was constructed in 1905. I like it here. : )

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  • The Road to Prague

       Hey everybody, So! I just got back to Prague in the Czech Republic where I’ll be interning this summer. The road getting here was kind of rough – my original flight was delayed, delayed, delayed, and then finally canceled. I had to stay an extra night in Atlanta in a hotel near the airport,…

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  • Danish Street Music

      I looove street music. Traveling around some of the big European cities, I’m always excited to see what sorts of music the street musicians play. Accordions in Italy, violins in Stockholm, and all the different kinds in Paris – they’re all so cool! But some of my fave street music is from Copenhagen, Denmark….  …

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  • Guest Blogging over at Lucky Enough

      When Lizzie over at Lucky Enough blog asked me to guest post a while back, I jumped at the chance! She writes a great blog about her study abroad adventures in Galway, Ireland, and other trips in Europe. I’m a fan of her blog and excited to take part in it : ) Click here…

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  • Wrapping Things Up

    It’s getting late here in Freiburg. I’m catching the early train to Frankfurt in the morning, and flying from there back to the States. It’s been almost exactly four months since I first came to Europe, but the time has flown. Right now I’m feeling…. Sad to say goodbye to all the aaaamazing people I’ve…

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  • Recycling in Germany

    Recycling in Germany can be precise. It took a while for me to get the hang of it, during which time I started collecting recyclables in my room…. The situation soon got desperate, and it was time to figure out German recycling. It’s especially important here in Freiburg, known for being one of the prominent ‘green’…

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  • Taking a Walk

    The weather is so nice this week in Freiburg! It’s inspiring me to take more walks. Although I usually hop on the tram in the mornings, I like to do the 30 minute walk back to my dorm after classes. I love the sights and smells of springtime Germany in the evening. : ) Here…

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  • On the Autobahn

       I’ve talked before about getting around Germany, where the train is definitely my go-to mode of transport. But sometimes I also get the chance to take buses on the autobahn, or German highway. The interesting thing about the autobahn in the area where I live: no official, federal speed limit! Generally, the advice is…

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  • This Week In Pictures

    This week I’m in Rome, Italy enjoying la dolce vita, or the good life. : ) Here are a few photos from the past few days…. Cappuccinos are a must-try in Rome. Italians make some of the best, and my fave is when they sprinkle chocolate on the top…. Back in Germany, I almost never…

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Kate J Hollingsworth