Getting Around Germany


I got a such a good question on twitter about how I get around Germany that I decided to do a blog post on it!

Within Freiburg, the Straßenbahn, or street trams, are perfect for getting around town. Freiburg has four electric tram lines and they are a major source of transportation for Freiburgers.

morning commute.
tram stop.

The other transportation means of choice are… bicycles! They ‘re everywhere!


For longer trips outside of Freiburg (but still within the Breisgau area between the Rhine river and the Black Forest), the S-bahn, or above-ground regional trains, are great. They run frequently and aren’t too expensive.

train tracks.

And for the longest trips, I usually book my train tickets through – the Deutsche Bahn, or German train.  DB dominates the train industry in Germany.

deutsche bahn.

Back home in the States, I mostly drive a car to get everywhere.  Here in Germany, however, I have no car – but it’s still no trouble getting around. There are plenty of options for ways to travel, and I don’t miss my car at all!

3 responses to “Getting Around Germany”

  1. […] 3rd, 2011 § Leave a Comment    I’ve talked before about getting around Germany, where the train is definitely my go-to mode of transport. But sometimes I also get the chance to […]

  2. […] this week in Freiburg! It’s inspiring me to take more walks. Although I usually hop on the tram in the mornings, I like to do the 30 minute walk back to my dorm after classes. I love the sights […]

  3. […] this week in Freiburg! It’s inspiring me to take more walks. Although I usually hop on the tram in the mornings, I like to do the 30 minute walk back to my dorm after classes. I love the sights […]