Exploring the Black Forest, part I

Last Sunday…

My friend and I had the chance to go for a short hike through Schwarzwald (the Black Forest) from Titisee to Hinterzarten. Titisee is a small village about 45 minutes away from Freiburg by train, famous for its huuuge lake which gets frozen solid in the dead of winter.

titisee.frozen lake.

Before we started our hike, we stopped for a quick bite in Titisee, and came across all these stunning, intricate clocks….

cuckoo clocks.

And we learned that the first cuckoo clocks were invented in the Black Forest!

After lunch, we started on the hiking path to the next village, Hinterzarten, which was about 3 miles away. It mostly wound through the forest or open, snow-covered fields featuring the occasional old barn or newer getaway house.

hiking trail.

black forest streams.

These extremely tall trees remind me of the pine trees back at home in Georgia. They look so calm and serene in their habitat, the forest.

the tallest tree.

We also came across a kids’ ski-jump competition in action. I’ll share more on this in part II! : )

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