Tag: germany

  • Freiburg’s Open-Air Market

      Every day (except Sunday), Freiburg has a fabulous open-air market in the Münsterplatz, or the plaza around the Freiburger Münster, our big cathedral. I looove visiting the market! They always have fresh fruits and vegetables…. And lots of fresh flowers…. But my favorite part is the myriad of wurst stands! Germany is home to…

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  • Exploring the Black Forest, part II

      Last time, I started talking about hiking through the Black Forest in Germany from Titisee to Hinterzarten. It was a great way to spend a relaxing Sunday! Most of the forest was shady and snowy, but the snow had melted in a few sunnier places…. Part of our hike took us across the railroad…

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  • Exploring the Black Forest, part I

    Last Sunday… My friend and I had the chance to go for a short hike through Schwarzwald (the Black Forest) from Titisee to Hinterzarten. Titisee is a small village about 45 minutes away from Freiburg by train, famous for its huuuge lake which gets frozen solid in the dead of winter. Before we started our hike,…

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  • This Week in Pictures

      Here’s a few photos from this week! Around Freiburg…. And one of my favorite things about an average week — gelato! Inside Mensa Drei, home of some great currywurst + intense hot sauces, and a fave among our study abroad group: Sunset on the countryside around Schauinsland after our field trip…. And lastly, a…

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  • Into the Mines

      This week, my International Economics class ventured into the old silver mines of Schauinsland. These mines date back to the 13th/14th centuries, and used to make nearby Freiburg one of the richer cities in Europe. Our class was studying the development of trade over the centuries in this region, and the effects of having…

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  • Scenes from Berlin

      We’ve been working in a couple of my classes on reflections, essays, and projects from the Berlin trip. Berlin is a hard city to describe…. every time I thought I had gotten an idea of the vibe of the city, I encountered some totally different aspect of it. So here are three quick scenes,…

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  • Every Day is Special Bread Day!

    Even the gas stations and penny markets have fabulous, fresh-baked bread in Germany. It’s my kinda place. : )

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  • This Week in Pictures

      A few photos around Freiburg! The Freiburger Münster, our big cathedral built around 1200 ad: Germany loves international food! There are tons of Turkish restaurants here, along with Irish, Spanish, Chinese… and more. Here’s a photo from lunch at an Italian place… We get sparkling water at almost every restaurant! Its one of the…

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  • Home in Germany

      I showed you a couple of pictures inside my kitchen and living space of the dorm, now here’s a couple more inside my room! The place is huge, bigger than my dorm room back at Emory! I have a great window – a big door that lets in plenty of light and even opens…

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  • Staufen

    Last weekend, our program did the first traveling of the semester! We divided into three groups: the first went to Titisee, the second to Sasbachwalden (I think), and my group went to Staufen! We hiked up to the ruins – they’ve been around since the High Middle Ages! Around 1100 ad. The hills all around…

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Kate J Hollingsworth