Tag: Atlanta

  • Surrealism + College Night

    Last week was surreal. Or actually… last week was about things that are surreal — surrealism. Surrealism is all about juxtaposing the expected with the unexpected. Violating your understanding of conventions. We studied le surréalisme in French class – (like Apollinaire, Queneau, and some Baudelaire). And! Saturday, the High Museum of Art hosted college night. Emory…

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  • Summer Endings

    Some more pictures around the downtown office. It feels like summer has only just begun, and already it’s time to ship back out for school. Summer 2010 was filled with authentic experiences – a rad internship… traveling solo… and so much more. (Experience points +30! Level up!) It’s been a good summer. : )

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  • Midtown

    Some pics from around the Midtown office. Love that area. : )

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Kate J Hollingsworth