Category: Travel

  • Every Day is Special Bread Day!

    Even the gas stations and penny markets have fabulous, fresh-baked bread in Germany. It’s my kinda place. : )

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  • Berlin + Prague, part I

    It’s been a busy week in Freiburg! Classes started, and I was sick earlier in the week. I’m feeling a lot better today though, and ready to post more updates! For Berlin and Prague, we broke up into two groups of about 30. I was in Group B for this trip, which focuses on economics…

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  • Freiburg vs. Nürnberg!

      Made it back late last night from a busy week in Berlin and Prague! It was a great time and filled with lots of sightseeing and studying recent Eastern European history. Pictures and recap to come later this week! : D Here’s some pictures from last weekend’s soccer football game – Freiburg vs. Nürnberg!…

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  • This Week in Pictures

      A few photos around Freiburg! The Freiburger Münster, our big cathedral built around 1200 ad: Germany loves international food! There are tons of Turkish restaurants here, along with Irish, Spanish, Chinese… and more. Here’s a photo from lunch at an Italian place… We get sparkling water at almost every restaurant! Its one of the…

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  • Home in Germany

      I showed you a couple of pictures inside my kitchen and living space of the dorm, now here’s a couple more inside my room! The place is huge, bigger than my dorm room back at Emory! I have a great window – a big door that lets in plenty of light and even opens…

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  • Staufen

    Last weekend, our program did the first traveling of the semester! We divided into three groups: the first went to Titisee, the second to Sasbachwalden (I think), and my group went to Staufen! We hiked up to the ruins – they’ve been around since the High Middle Ages! Around 1100 ad. The hills all around…

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  • Life on Charlottenburgerstraße!

      Today is day 5 in Freiburg, and I’m starting to get settled in! I’ve got a German phone, a German cell phone number, and a mailbox in Germany with my name on it! : ) Here’s a picture of my dorm building on Charlottenburgerstraße: And a couple from inside the main living/kitchen area… I…

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  • Exploring Freiburg

      Our first assignment in Freiburg: get to know the city! We broke into four groups 14-ish people to explore the different areas in town. Here’s some of the highlights from today and my group’s walk! Freiburg is so pretty! I lose my sense of direction a lot  –  the streets paths and intersections are…

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  • Going, Going…. Not Going!

    I made my packing list, checked it twice: everything was ready to go this morning! The weather outside was frightful. Roads covered in ice, interstates closed, and a lot of very un-Atlanta-ish snowfall. But we had a plan! Everything was lookin’ good and my family was all ready to head out the door and into…

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  • Midtown

    Some pics from around the Midtown office. Love that area. : )

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Kate J Hollingsworth