Freiburg vs. Nürnberg!


Made it back late last night from a busy week in Berlin and Prague! It was a great time and filled with lots of sightseeing and studying recent Eastern European history. Pictures and recap to come later this week! : D

Here’s some pictures from last weekend’s soccer football game – Freiburg vs. Nürnberg! They’re pretty big rivals!

It’s Freiburg in the red, Nürnberg in the white….

We had such an incredibly excited crowd! The stadium was packed and EVERYONE had a team scarf. And there were flags and banners all over…

And the singing and chanting and clapping never stopped! This guy with the megaphone directed the crowd’s songs and chants….

And there was a ton of security!

We ended up tying 1-1. It was a such a great game and experience!

And here’s a quick vid of some of the singing – it was awesome!

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