Category: Home

  • A Home Away from Home in Raglan, New Zealand

    A Home Away from Home in Raglan, New Zealand

    This is a post from my “Photo Rescue” project where I’m rediscovering all my pictures from New Zealand. Read all posts about New Zealand here! Our AirBnb in Raglan, New Zealand was too cute not to get its own post. I was enamored with every bit of it – the interior design, the views, the record player.…

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  • Furniture Redux

    My family went a little DIY this week.  We took an old dresser that had been staking out a dark corner in the basement for the last, oh, half decade and repainted it for what is now its fourth reincarnation. The before and after pic shows it: we swapped out our mirror for our TV.…

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Kate J Hollingsworth