What I Really Learned in College


So, they handed me my degree last Monday.

Feels good! Feels weird…. Feels exciting.

College, on the whole, was an amazing 4 years for me. Studying history, economics, politics – I learned a lot from some inspiring professors.

But most importantly, I learned a lot from the examples set by those inspiring professors, and by my equally inspiring peers. Examples for being industrious, curious, tenacious.




After graduating, I sat down and tried to think of what I had really loved about college. What made it special, and what I would miss. And I realized this:

The magic of college wasn’t in the classes I took or the places I hung out. For me, the magic was in the people I was surrounded by.

University is a unique scene. An array of people, all brought together from different backgrounds, in different disciplines, with different hopes and aspirations. In one place, you have the scholars, scientists, doctors, artists, and more – before they max out their potential and reach their goals. Here, in college, is where all of our paths cross.

So now our paths are starting to diverge, and that’s a good thing. As I embrace this new beginning, I look back on college as a great experience and opportunity.

I read a lot. I traveled a lot. I learned a lot.

But the best part was always the people.

Professors, classmates, roommates, family, friends, people I knew well, people I wish I knew better —

You guys are phenomenal, and with you, college was awesome.

With thanks,




3 responses to “What I Really Learned in College”

  1. Wheeee! Big day! I remember mine: I could barely control my nerves! I was told I looked white! Who cares – it was what I made all those sacrifices for; it was worth it.

    Congratulations – in a big way!!!!!

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