Model European Union

It’s been finals week here in Freiburg, and I officially finished my last one today! It feels great to be done with all the exams, but my study abroad program still has one more big academic event….

The Model European Union Summit, 2011.

model eu.

This weekend, all the students on my program are suiting up and stepping into character to represent EU member states in a simulation summit. We’re divided into two groups: Heads of Government and Foreign Ministers. And we’re all discussing hot topics facing Europe today, just like in the real EU.

I’m the foreign minister for Lithuania…

…and I’ll be talking about European Neighborhood Policy, European Enlargement, the new European External Action Service (EEAS), and Common Asylum/Refugee Policy.

Most of my time will be spent in this room:

model european union.

It’ll be around 13 to 14 hours of debate, discussion, and compromise. The goal is to draft some legislation addressing those EU topics, but mostly we’re here to learn about the involved, complicated, and difficult process of meeting the needs of all European states.

Might be a bit of a bumpy ride!

One response to “Model European Union”

  1. How exciting! I hope you enjoy yourself!

    Side note, our lives seem to be aligning once again… today I took my last final of the semester, and afterward met with a focus group to discuss our thoughts on the curriculum. Not quite the Model EU, but the tables were set up in a similar fashion… Maybe when you get back Stateside we can catch up! Have a great weekend!