This Week in Pictures


Here’s a few photos from this week! Around Freiburg….


And one of my favorite things about an average week — gelato!


Inside Mensa Drei, home of some great currywurst + intense hot sauces, and a fave among our study abroad group:
mensa drei.

Sunset on the countryside around Schauinsland after our field trip….

sunset over Schauinsland.

And lastly, a sidewalk cafe – Starbucks style! I usually end up here about once a week – they’re one of the few places in Freiburg with free wifi.

sidewalk starbucks.

I’m having a super busy weekend — this morning, I crossed the French border to spend the day in the town of Colmar, and tomorrow I’ll be hiking in Germany’s Black Forest near Titisee. I can’t wait to share more about it soon! : )

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