Happy Thursday friends! We are currently enjoying rural California, and I wanted to do a little tour of our two-week #TinyHouse AirBnb.

Tiny Homes seem to be getting more and more popular over the past few years (there is even a “Tiny House” filter on AirBnb now!), so I’m excited to see one up close.

Here’s an outside view…


…and inside….


Tiny homes, for a lot of people, are a chance to cut clutter, live more simply, and reduce impact on the environment. For others, it is a chance to be more cost efficient, or manage a smaller place in retirement, or to work on an interesting design challenge.

Here is the living room…


…kitchen area complete with a gas oven…


… and our back to back work station!


If you walk past the kitchen, you’ll past the laundry on your left (across from the bathroom and the stairs to the lofted space) on your way to the bedroom.

Tiny houses are all about creating storage space wherever possible – like the wall to wall closet and overhead shelf space in the bedroom.

And here the lofted space – perfectly kid sized!


I am really loving being out in the beautiful California countryside – peace and quiet and it gets so very dark at night with sooo many stars.

And sometimes horses come right up outside our windows 🙂



As the Tiny House movements grows and some people want to live in them full time or keep their Tiny Home on wheels, more and more communities are trying to hammer out details of zoning laws, building permits, and answers to other obstacles for people in those circumstances. For those types of Tiny Homes, it can still be a gray area in lots of places.

If you are interested in more about Tiny Homes, you can search for short term rentals on AirBnb or even look for a Tiny Home rental community.

What do you think? Let’s talk the #TinyHouse movement in the comments!


5 responses to “A #TinyHouse Tour”

    • I believe it! I’ve seen the same thing in SoCal where vacant land itself can be at least $100,000 – would be cool to divide that cost amongst a Tiny Home community if they can figure out the zoning laws!

      • Yes. That would be cool. I’m not so familiar yet with zoning but I heard there’s a lot of restrictions . It would be amazing to have a tiny house community where people are living small so they have actually experience the best of life & freedom.

  1. Great photos, been hearing lots about these Tiny Houses lately. The place look pretty spacious on the inside! Does it feel like somewhere sustainable to live?

    • It does! It’s a great fit for anyone wishing to scale down and/or reduce their carbon footprint 🙂