This Week In Pictures

This week I’m in Rome, Italy enjoying la dolce vita, or the good life. : ) Here are a few photos from the past few days….

Cappuccinos are a must-try in Rome. Italians make some of the best, and my fave is when they sprinkle chocolate on the top….

due cappuccini.

Back in Germany, I almost never see any national flags. But here in Italy there are flags everywhere! Italian flags, European Union flags, Rome flags – this place has them all.

eu + italia + roma

Tuesday, I went for a long and great hike along the Italian coast through Cinque Terre….


The Mediterranean is the clearest, bluest, most beautiful water I’ve seen. I loooved getting the chance to step back into it again….


I’m heading back to Germany tomorrow night, and I can’t wait to share more photos and impressions of Italy later!

Arrivederci! : )

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