A Saturday at Versailles, part II


During our field study trip focusing on institutions of the European Union, my study abroad program offered the chance to explore the Palace of Versailles near Paris. In Part I, I shared some photos of the grounds and architecture outside.  Now, here’s some photos from inside the Palace!

Once inside, anything and everything you see is incredibly ornate and decadent. From the bookshelves…

the royal bookshelf.

…to the clocks…

reflective clock.

…and even to the ceilings!

ceiling shot II.

We went on a Saturday, and the Palace was jam-packed with people eager to see the famous home of the 17th-18th century French royal family. It was especially crowded in the renowned Hall of Mirrors, where the Treaty of Versailles was signed, ending World War I.

In the Hall, one long wall is full of towering windows which each directly face a mirror, so that all the reflecting sunlight makes this room seem the brightest and most open….

hall of mirrors.

The Hall of Mirrors is soooo fancy that it makes other parts of the Palace seem tame!


Getting the chance to walk around inside and outside at Versailles was a great opportunity.  There was something there for everyone  –  history, art, landscaping, gardens, architecture, design…. It’s a one-of-a-kind place!

ceiling shot I.

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