Exploring the Black Forest, part II


Last time, I started talking about hiking through the Black Forest in Germany from Titisee to Hinterzarten. It was a great way to spend a relaxing Sunday!

tree line.
Most of the forest was shady and snowy, but the snow had melted in a few sunnier places….


Part of our hike took us across the railroad tracks. The trains in Germany are so convenient for getting around!

deutsche bahn.

Near the end of our hike, outside Hinterzarten, we stumbled upon a kids’ ski jump competition in action! Each competitor skied down the second slope from the left….

ski practice.

We hung around for a while and watched the competition. I’ve never skied, and I was so impressed with all these young kids who made it look so easy!

Here’s a quick video of one kid’s awesome jump:

[flickr video=5482246951 secret=e206f2ea01 w=400 h=225]

This week, our study abroad program takes us to Luxembourg, Brussels, and Paris to see institutions of the EU as well as meet delegates, bankers, and more. I’m sooo looking forward to seeing each of the cities and learning about them! And I can’t wait to share more about it when I get back! : )

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