QR Codes as Conversation Catalysts

qrcodeImagine the power of placing instant, strategic information in someone’s hand.

Quick Response (QR) codes literally contain that possibility. By downloading an app on your smartphone, you can now scan this special, two dimensional barcode which then translates into information such as text, a url, contact info, etc.

So, for example, if you scan this particular QR code, it will automatically redirect you to my twitter page.

QR codes are essentially condensed information – compact and conspicuous for access on the go. For personal use, you could put a QR code your business card: instantly linking contacts back to your professional profile on LinkedIn. Or, iCandy specializes in loading iTunes playlists, videos, or photos to your code, too, while also enabling your webcam to scan the QR codes.

For businesses, QR codes provide a way to enable a potential consumer with instant accessibility to product photos, reviews, or specs. They can be placed on product packaging, billboard ads, purchased tickets — potentially providing ways to continue a conversation and further engage your audience.

Check out my presentation for some more examples of QR code possibilities:

[slideshare id=5014312&doc=qrcodepresentation-100819152605-phpapp02]

You can also try making your own personalized QR Code with Kaywa.

What do you think of the possibilities for QR codes? Are they destined to become mainstream anytime soon?

2 responses to “QR Codes as Conversation Catalysts”

  1. interesting…i hope they will become the norm. Somehow I think this might offset forgetfulness in my golden years. You think it can remind you what you went upstairs to get?