Category: Germany

  • Taking a Walk

    The weather is so nice this week in Freiburg! It’s inspiring me to take more walks. Although I usually hop on the tram in the mornings, I like to do the 30 minute walk back to my dorm after classes. I love the sights and smells of springtime Germany in the evening. : ) Here…

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  • This Week in Pictures

      Here’s a few photos from this week in Freiburg! A quirky thing I noticed yesterday – you can buy batteries individually here. At home, I normally only buy batteries in huge packages of 20 or more. Soccer Football is a huge deal here. This street-performer was keeping it fancy and entertaining with his tricks….…

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  • A Busy Week in Germany

      It’s been sooo busy these past few days here in Freiburg! Everyone had a lot of projects, papers, and presentations due this week, which meant a lot of hours at the library and in the computer lab. Last week, I went to Luxembourg, Brussels, and Paris to study institutions of the European Union and…

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  • Scenes from Berlin

      We’ve been working in a couple of my classes on reflections, essays, and projects from the Berlin trip. Berlin is a hard city to describe…. every time I thought I had gotten an idea of the vibe of the city, I encountered some totally different aspect of it. So here are three quick scenes,…

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  • Berlin + Prague, part I

    It’s been a busy week in Freiburg! Classes started, and I was sick earlier in the week. I’m feeling a lot better today though, and ready to post more updates! For Berlin and Prague, we broke up into two groups of about 30. I was in Group B for this trip, which focuses on economics…

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  • This Week in Pictures

      A few photos around Freiburg! The Freiburger Münster, our big cathedral built around 1200 ad: Germany loves international food! There are tons of Turkish restaurants here, along with Irish, Spanish, Chinese… and more. Here’s a photo from lunch at an Italian place… We get sparkling water at almost every restaurant! Its one of the…

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Kate J Hollingsworth