Cotswolds Day Hike: Chipping Campden

I think we are finding a new routine: weekend day hikes. Last weekend we walked from Bradford-on-Avon to Avoncliff, the weekend before that was Chew Valley, and this weekend we headed up to Chipping Campden for another Cotswolds day hike to check out the views from Dover’s Hill.

We picked this 4.5 mile walk because reviews said it was “great if you like sheep” – sign me up.

And we did see lots of sheep!

We started in Chipping Camden and took some public footpaths through some fields…

Part of our route took through a wooded segment – all of a sudden we were surrounded by trees that were so tall!

We followed along a bridleway through the wooded area, marked with horse tracks of travelers who came before us.

And coming out of the woods, we crossed the street to this gate. It’s at the bottom of Dover’s Hill, and we headed through the gate to walk up….

Field entry gate at the bottom of Dover's Hill

We made it to the top of Dover’s Hill a bit before sunset. The light was changing rapidly up here, cloudy one minute….

… and full of that golden hour light the next…

After taking in the view, we finished up by walking back down into Chipping Camden.

I’m loving the fresh air each weekend.