Sights and Sounds of Florence

I got to spend one Saturday in Florence, Italy – a city steeped in the history of art, music, politics, and Italian culture.

In the pedestrian streets around Florence’s famous art galleries, every square foot is filled with musicians and souvenir reproductions of famous paintings for sale….

Uffizi courtyard.

Walking through the city, there are pops of color and ornate architectural details all around you. You’re embraced by the legacy of inspiration that once surrounded da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Donatello, and so many other artists….

biciclettanatural split screen.

There’s something surreal to the changes of colors in the city throughout the day. In the early, misty morning, Florence’s famous bridge, the Ponte Vecchi, was cool and indistinct….

bridging the Arno River.

…but by the warmer afternoon, the shops and walls along the bridge had changed into their famous palette of warm yellows, greens, and oranges….Ponte Vecchi

Florence had a very Italian feel, and it was awe-inspiring to be in the birthplace of so many famous works of art. : )