
I want to update my old site. I want to bust out some new wallpapers, a music-vid, screenshots, the whole shebang. But. There’s this time issue. There just doesn’t seem to be a lot of it these days. I’ve always been the sort of person to rush whole-heartedly into things, to throw myself into projects. You know how it is.  Something captures your fancy, and all of sudden it becomes your A-number-one priority. This happens to me… often.


Some Past Kate Fads:

Weather: that old rainfall collector is probably still measuring precipitation out there somewhere.

Vocabulary: that one time when I tried to memorize the dictionary.

Beading: bracelet-orama

Many Others: most… better left unmentioned. 

Anyway. I had my “half-birthday” last month.  The big, universally celebrated, milestone two-oh-point-five. And I figure it’s about time I left the stop-and-go obsessions behind me. 

Time for some moderation, nothing to excess. I’m going to pace myself.

I know I know….

It’s like you don’t even know me anymore. 

Oh! And that pic at the top? That’s Pete Duel as Andy Rice in Cannon for Cordoba, one of my favorite Duel characters. ;D And no, I don’t think all of my blog pics will be of Pete… but then again, who’d complain?

“Remember, hombre, it’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.” –Cannon for Cordoba